Vlatka Frketi´c
In the word project "wider den gleichsprech", experiences with racism and other forms of discrimination are worked through, articulated and reshaped in collective processes using text, words and images in an empowering way. The core of the project is the processing of experiences with exclusion and exploitation with different forms of expression and the shaping of the potential for change with poetic means. The format of expression is the poem - written, spoken, sung or drawn. The forms of expression and language are free - multilingual, translingual or nonlingual.
Since childhood, Vlatka Frketić has been shaped by experiences of life in Germany, Yugoslavia, Croatia and Austria. Based on the resulting insights, Frketić examines conditions of exclusion and exploitation and develops counter-designs. In doing so, Frketić dabbles in various forms and formats of expression. Her work focuses on the relationship between language, (linguistic) forms of expression and power. Frketić works on queer migration, critical diversity, language and power, multilingualism, and rhetoric. Writing theoretical and fictional texts, glosses, columns, and poems is part of her critical political work. Frketić has presented poems at poetry festivals and at the exhibition "Versuchsanordnung widerspenstigen Handelns" (2017) at the IG Bildende Kunst Gallery.
Bild: Vlatka Frketić