Natalia Gurova

  • Natalia Gurova is a temporary journalist and permanent artist. She was born in the USSR in Belarus, grew up in the North of Russia, then trained as a journalist, and worked in the field of various media for more than 10 years. Since 2014 she lives in Vienna and studied site-specific art at the University of Applied Arts and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts. Her multidisciplinary practice has encompassed sculpture, printmaking, drawing, poetry, and site-specific installations. Working with the overlapping discourses of speculative storytelling, spatial experiments, post-soviet contexts, time concepts, and collecting, Gurova refuses categorical distinctions, operating fluidly between concept and craft. Her practice weaves together disparate artistic disciplines as well as cultural and social communities — with shared relationships to the essence of objects, and their symbolism. Natalia's works were exhibited at Vienna Art Week, Parallel, Austrian Cultural Forum in London, Queer museum/Volkskundemuseum, Galerie Michaela Stock, Improper Walls, das Weisse Haus, hoast, and other places.

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