Klimentina Milenova
For her Fellowship Klimentina Milenova is working with the team of CIVA-New Media Art Festival. Among other responsibilities she will be in charge of the festivals outreach program.
Summarised in one word, Klimentina Milenova’s main focus is Interaction. Her goal is to apply playful methodologies and social experiments into educational structures and event management.
After finishing her B.A. in Stage and Costume Design and B.A. in Art Education at the National Academy of Art in Sofia, she needed to incorporate her skills through digital media and interaction. That’s why she finishes her M. A. degree in Interface Cultures at Kunstuniversität Linz. Her background in theatre and pedagogy inspire her to observe new strategies for empirical communication and embodied knowledge. She is driven by the implementation of Organisational and Cognitive Ergonomics elements combined with a new genre of social and cultural events.
Bild: Klimentina Milenova