IZRAA (aka Isra Doghman) is a singer-songwriter, rapper, voice actress and activist with roots in Palestine, Lebanon and Tunisia. She developed her musical interest at a young age. She graduated in Media Communication with specialization in Fim/Digital Production and plans to start her Master in the near future. She is the winner of the FM4 protest song contest 2022 with her anti-racism song " 9. November". Her activism and artistic work deal with identity search, anti-racism, empowerment and the question of belonging. Music has always been a part of their identity search and empowerment. IZRAA says, "There is nothing more powerful than being understood and heard by people, because music is the language of the soul and we all speak it." 

Jury Statement:

“In the course of the investigations after the terrorist attack in Vienna, about 70 family homes were searched by police officers or their special units on November 9, 2020 under the investigation name "Operation Luxor". With a view to the affected families under general suspicion, the traumatized children and adolescents, Isra Doghman (aka IZRAA) poses questions to the rule of law and the structural racism in the police, the judiciary, but also in the reporting or silent media.

Their project is flanked by cooperations with academics and NGOs such as CAGE. Through songs and video clips, which will lead to a concert, she provides those affected - especially children and young people - with a medium in which their voices can be heard. With the means of music and discourse, the artist wants to set a sign against a dominant society that silences voices.”