kültüř gemma! is a project for promotion of artistic work by migrants and BIPoC. We award free work scholarships and fellowships to Viennese cultural institutions every year. By that we pursue a decidedly intersectional approach. In addition to the financial and non-material support of individual projects, kültüř gemma! sees itself as a cultural networking platform. The fellows are continuously accompanied and work together as a group on a final presentation.
Our goal is to establish migrant positions as a matter of course in the majority white cultural sector and to do justice to the plurality of the city in cultural life as well.
Augustin - Brunnenpassage - Brut - Büchereien Wien - Burgtheater - Château Rouge - Cine Collective - DAS WEISSE HAUS - IG Bildende Kunst -Kulturhaus Brotfabrik- Künstlerhaus - Kunsthalle Wien - Literaturhaus - Medienwerkstatt - Philomena+ - Planet 10 - Schauspielhaus - Schubert Theater - Secession - Stadtkino - Tanzquartier - Universität für Angewandte Kunst - VBKÖ - VHS Ottakring - Volkskundemuseum - We Dey - Weltmuseum - WUK