Asma Aiad

Asma Aiad is a Viennese conceptual artist, activist and youth worker. She completed her Bachelor degree in political science and is currently studying at the Academy of Fine Arts  and completing her Master's in Gender Studies on the topic Islamic Feminism. Her activism and artistic work deal with anti-racism, feminism, and the deconstruction of stereotypes. She is the co-founder of Salam Oida, an initiative to celebrate muslim culture and art in Austria. In her other works like „This is not a headscarf“ or „the (in)visible Mosques“ she talks about her muslim identity in Austria and Europe and topics of discrimination, representation and art.


In her project for kültüř gemma! she wants to deal with the situation of muslim women in the mosques from an interdisciplinary perspective. How do female spaces in mosques do look like? How should they look like? How can muslim spaces be more inclusive for women. And how does this look like in a society where in general mosques or muslims are not included in the society itself.


Bild: Asma Aiad